Masterclass in Marketing

Designed with all the strategies used to build a photography business to 6 figures in less than a year.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Tools to thrive

Follow my exact steps for growth, with everything I did to achieve a 6 figure photography business in less than a year with Cedar Photography. My background in marketing and graphics design gave me all the tools needed to thrive, now I’m sharing this with you!

Claire - Gallery Lane Director & Cedar Photography

What you’ll learn

  • Build a solid brand and set yourself apart from the crowd. The goal here is to be recognisable. I will guide you through exactly how to succeed in standing out.

    Without these solid foundations, all of your marketing and advertising efforts will fail.

  • We will go over exactly how to stick to a marketing plan through identifying your target audience, identifying key words and exactly how to speak to your ideal client.

    With a solid brand and marketing plan, your content and advertising will thrive!

  • Using your branding and marketing plan, we’ll go over the most effective ways to reach your ideal client. Watch your books fill up and you will be well on your way to 6 figures!

Course FAQ

  • The course is set out into 6 weeks, this is the recommended minimum time to complete. The course content never expires and you can go back over the course as much as you like.

    I encourage you to take your time and to use this course as a resource as you grow and expand your business.

  • Yes! 100% yes! Within the course are all of the steps and processes I went through at the start of Cedar Photography, I built my photography to 6 figures in 6 months.

    The earlier you get into the course the better, you will find it easier to brand and set marketing habits that you can build on. In saying this, if you are established and find you are not booking clients and are unhappy with progress, this course will guide you back onto the right path for success.

  • This is a go at your own pace online course with a mixture of text and video. Once you have enrolled, you will be able to access the learning portal where you can see the modules and lessons as well as your progress.